Delineating crystalline basement aquifers with adequate capacity to store and transmit sufficient groundwater is quite challenging as substantial spatial variability predominantly marked the basement aquifers. Electrical resistivity is a non-invasive geophysical technique for delineating weathered and fractured zones that permit groundwater accumulation in the basement rocks. This study uses two-dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) to delineate the weathering profile developed above the crystalline basement rocks and thus assesses the groundwater potential of the aquifer systems in Basiri, Ado-Ekiti, southwestern Nigeria. The study evaluated the reliability of the 2D ERI images by computing the depth of investigation (DOI) index to predict the depth extent at which the 2D resistivity models are no longer reliable. This approach can be used to minimise the mismatch between the resistivity models and subsurface targets, particularly in complex and subtle hydrogeological conditions as in the crystalline basement complex. This study indicates that the weathering profile developed into a two-layered aquifer system—a low yield shallow saprolite aquifer overlying a deeper fractured bedrock (saprock) aquifer with greater capacity to support adequate drawdown for high yield.
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Also, the authors sincerely thank the following people: Messrs. F. U. Salifu, D. Aluko, O. Adegbuyiro, K. Ojo, O. Olabiyi and A. Kolawole, who helped with field data collections.
The authors acknowledged CUCRID, Covenant University, for the support provided.
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Aizebeokhai, A.P., Ogungbade, O. & Oyeyemi, K.D. Application of geoelectrical resistivity for delineating crystalline basement aquifers in Basiri, Ado-Ekiti, Southwestern Nigeria. Arab J Geosci 14, 51 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-06440-1
- 2D ERI
- Near-surface characterisation
- Groundwater investigations
- Basement aquifers
- Southwestern Nigeria