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Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
  Year: 2012 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 232-240
DOI: 10.3923/jest.2012.232.240
Waste Characterisation and Recoverable Energy Potential Using Waste Generated in a Model Community in Nigeria
J.O. Okeniyi, E.U. Anwan and E.T. Okeniyi

Reclaimable energy generated from waste is a major source of environmentally sustainable energy that is not yet explored in Nigeria. This study therefore, investigated the energy recoverable potential from waste, using waste materials generated in a model community in Nigeria. For the model community of the country, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria was used, because of its existing form of waste management system. Solid waste generated in this model community was characterised into its separate components and this was then subjected to an estimation model by which the recoverable energy potential from the waste was evaluated. For this, method of waste to energy calorific value evaluations were employed for predicting equivalent energy availability from the waste in kWh and in equivalent tonnes of oil. Results obtained from the study show abounding viability of favourable energy potential that could be as high as 8967.13 MJ day-1, equivalent to 2490.87 kWh day-1 or 0.6227 tonnes of oil equivalent per day. These findings bare suggestions of the need for the development of waste management system infused with energy reclamation policy, from waste, for supplementing communal energy needs and annexing other social benefits accruable from such policy implementation.
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How to cite this article:

J.O. Okeniyi, E.U. Anwan and E.T. Okeniyi, 2012. Waste Characterisation and Recoverable Energy Potential Using Waste Generated in a Model Community in Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 5: 232-240.

DOI: 10.3923/jest.2012.232.240






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