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Asian Journal of Applied Sciences
  Year: 2012 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 132-143
DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2012.132.143
Modelling the Performance of Sodium Nitrite and Aniline as Inhibitors in the Corrosion of Steel-reinforced Concrete
J.O. Okeniyi, O.A. Omotosho, O.O. Ajayi, O.O. James and C.A. Loto

The performances of sodium nitrite and aniline inhibitors on the corrosion of concrete steel rebar partially immersed in sodium chloride and sulphuric acid media were investigated in this study. The open circuit potential corrosion monitoring technique was employed for the marine and acidic simulating environments and potential readings were taken in accordance with ASTM C 876. Inhibiting quality and uniformity of the inhibitors were then analyzed using the Weibull probability density distribution as an extreme value statistical modelling approach to study performance effectiveness and predict the most efficient inhibitor in each media. In the statistically analyzed experimental results for each of the inhibitor concentrations employed, (0.679 M) sodium nitrite is identified as exhibiting the best inhibiting quality in sodium chloride while (0.137 M) aniline was predicted as showing the lowest probability of corrosion risk in sulphuric acid medium. The synergetic admixtures employed in the study performed poorly in inhibiting effectiveness compared to the control specimens in the two media considered. The overall probabilistic results predicted preferences of sodium nitrite as inhibitors in the sodium chloride medium simulating saline environments and aniline in sulphuric acidic medium simulating sewage or underground microbial environments.
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How to cite this article:

J.O. Okeniyi, O.A. Omotosho, O.O. Ajayi, O.O. James and C.A. Loto, 2012. Modelling the Performance of Sodium Nitrite and Aniline as Inhibitors in the Corrosion of Steel-reinforced Concrete. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5: 132-143.

DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2012.132.143






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