@incollection{eprints16207, author = {Lily Chimuanya and Esther Ajiboye and Segun Omidiora}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.}, title = {Revisiting the Nigerian Undergraduate English Curriculum for Global Relevance and Sustainability: The Future We Want}, booktitle = {The United Nations and Sustainable Development Goals.}, year = {2022}, url = {http://eprints.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/16207/}, abstract = {Based on the principle of ?leaving no one behind?, the United Nations? General Assembly adopted the 2030 agenda for 17 sustainable development goals. An aim of the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) is to establish a future literate globe where relevance and sustainability become the driving force for all endeavours. Quality education which is within the top five priority of the UN has received quite a handful of scholarly attention ranging from infrastructural overhaul to funding. Adopting a descriptive and discursive designs, the present study focuses on curriculum development to highlight what is obtainable in the present undergraduate English curriculum as prescribed by the National University Commission (NUC) in order to assess its future relevance as matched with twenty-first-century job opportunities for graduates. The study argues that while some courses have obsolete descriptions and contents, some may need to be completely replaced with relevant courses to enable graduates compete favourably.} }