@inproceedings{eprints8448, author = {S. N. John and R. E. Okonigene and Peters C. Samuel and Kennedy O. Okokpujie}, year = {2016}, booktitle = {Int'l Conf. Software Eng. Research and Practice}, title = {INTELLIGENT PLANT WATERING SYSTEM FOR RURAL FARMERS}, url = {http://eprints.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/8448/}, keywords = {Irrigation, soil moisture, environmental temperature, microcontroller, artificial watering}, abstract = {This is an ongoing research study work. The objective of this study is to build an intelligent plant watering system for rural farmers. The study considered the availability of water supply in specific regions for five years. Also vital parameters statistics necessary for proper growth of each plant are stored in the system data base over the same period. Our study is primarily being guided by observations made in the rain fall pattern, different weather conditions, and environmental situation across the regions in the Northern and Southern parts of Nigeria. The target farmers are very poor. Therefore, our task is to produce a system that is affordable and reliable to these farmers. The complexity and stability of the system notwithstanding, overall, this study ?Intelligent Plant Watering System for Rural Farmers? is being carried out to provide the rural farmers with a cheap, durable, power efficient, affordable, reliable, flexible, efficient and high performance intelligent plant watering system. Although this study is divided into three major groups, however, in this paper we try to present a subgroup that deals with soil moisture and fertility. The system based on its available statistics sets the various limits for the soil moisture, temperature and fertility. These features in the system ensure that water for irrigation is effectively managed and allowed to flow during specified temperature range. Also the soil fertility is properly regulated. This paper discursion focuses on the soil moisture and temperature} }